Loving Stanza was never more rewarding
Welcome to Club Stanza and a whole world of cascading benefits!
Welcome to STANZA
You love Stanza for its passion for quality, for its unmatched style and you love Stanza for its unmatched commitment to its customers
Sign up for Club Stanza and you sign in to a very exclusive world of privileges. A world where, very simply, the more you buy the more you benefit
Buy for yourself, your family, your friends and we will match your belief in Stanza at every step with a rewards programme that has no equal
It’s quick, it’s easy.
No loyalty cards to carry when you buy. Or when you want to redeem.
Your mobile number is your key to a bouquet of rewards
All you need to do the first time is to make a purchase and register yourself with your contact details at the billing counter of your nearest Stanza flagship store.
Now use your mobile number to make your purchases – or to redeem your rewards – at any Stanza flagship store in the country.
Eligibility: First Purchase
- Earn 2 points on every purchase of `100/-
- Take 5% off on every 2nd purchase (validity: 3 months from date of first purchase but not on discounted merchandise)
- Minimum points for redemption: 50
Terms & Condition
By joining the Club Stanza you agree to thefollowing Terms and Conditions and by any variations to them.
- Customer can register himself at the counter at the time of billing.
- Membership is open to applicants over 18 years of age only
- To become a member and participate in the Stanza Loyalty
- Program, you need to have and maintain a valid Indian mobile number
- The member’s mobile number will serve as the unique identification for the membership.
- Membership is valid for lifetime
- Members are requested to keep track of their points and ensure that they are redeemed on time before it lapses.
- Points are earned on the net purchase amount paid by cash or credit card.
- Points can be earned only during purchase at exclusive Stanza showrooms
- Points are valid for a period of 365 days from the date of purchase
- No points will be earned when either a gift voucher is pur chased or payment is made by use of gift voucher.
- Exchange of merchandise on which points have been gained, for some other merchandise, is eligible to earn points in case of increase in the invoice value & vice-versa
Move to SILVER
Eligibility: Purchases worth `15000 in one years
- Straight bonus of 50 points on upgrading to SILVER
- Earn 4 points on every purchase of Rs. 100/-
- Take 5% off on every 2nd purchase (validity: 3 months from date of first purchase but not on discounted merchandise)
- 10% off on birthday & anniversary (Validity: 10days before & after occasion)
- Minimum points for redemption: 50
Or go for GOLD
Eligibility: Purchases worth `25000 in one year
- Straight bonus of 100 points on upgrading to GOLD
- Earn 6 points on every purchase of `100/-
- Take 5% off on every 2nd purchase (validity: 3 months from date of first purchase but not on discounted merchan dise)
- 10% off on birthday & anniversary (Validity: 10 days before & after occasion)
- Additional 5% off during end of season Sal
- Exclusive Sale preview
- Minimum points for redemption: 50
- One point = `1 at redemption
- Members can start redeeming points after reaching a threshold of 50 points.
- Points cannot be redeemed for cash value and can be redeemed only for goods
- Members need to be present in person for redemption of points.
- Points earned are valid for 365 days from date of purchas
Privacy Policy
- Stanza collects data from customers who join the Stanza
- Loyalty Program only for the following purposes
- To keep track of member’s purchase records;
- To allocate points according to member’s purchase record
- To up-date members about Stanza’s sales programs (eg. pro motions, news, brand offerings etc) through which mem bers can earn loyalty points;
- To up-date our profiling of member’s preferences so that we may tailor our products and services to serve customers/members in a better and satisfactory way.
Stanza reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions and of Stanza Loyalty Program. In the event of such modification, Stanza will notify the members via Email or SMS.
You may access the point statement of Club Stanza by sending ‘Club Stanza’ to 56767 from your registered mobile or by asking the sales adviser in Stanza Store at the time of billing.
In case you want to change your registered mobile number, kindly inform the same at cash desk along with your photo identification.
You can share your feedback with us. Email us at sales@stanzaworld.com and contact@stanzaworld.com